What is the Purpose of the 12-Volt Battery in an EV?

Overview of Electric Vehicle Batteries

In electric vehicles, you’ll find two main types of batteries: the high-voltage battery, which powers the electric motor, and the low-voltage 12-volt battery, which handles other tasks. The high-voltage battery is what makes an EV move, but without the 12-volt battery, many of the car’s essential systems would be non-operational.

Think of the high-voltage battery as the muscle behind the vehicle’s propulsion and the 12-volt battery as the one taking care of all the behind-the-scenes work. It’s like having two separate power sources: one to make sure you get from point A to point B, and the other to ensure you can listen to music or turn on your headlights along the way.

Why Do EVs Need a 12-Volt Battery?

It might seem odd that an EV, with its massive battery pack, would still rely on a standard 12-volt battery. However, there are very good reasons for this. The 12-volt system in an EV is responsible for powering all the low-power electronics in the car, such as the lights, the radio, and the dashboard.

Moreover, critical safety systems like airbags, power steering, and braking systems also rely on the 12-volt battery. These systems need to be on standby, even when the car’s high-voltage battery isn’t actively powering the vehicle.

Functions of the 12-Volt Battery in an EV

The 12-volt battery is the quiet worker in an EV. Here’s what it handles:

  1. Powering Safety Systems: Your EV’s airbags, seatbelt sensors, and other safety features run off the 12-volt battery. These systems need to work even if the main battery is drained.

  2. Running Accessories: Things like interior lighting, your car’s infotainment system, power windows, and door locks are all powered by the 12-volt battery. Without it, simple day-to-day functions would stop working.

How the 12-Volt Battery Works Alongside the Main Battery

The relationship between the 12-volt battery and the high-voltage battery is like a tag-team effort. While the high-voltage battery handles driving, the 12-volt battery is managing things like your car’s computer systems and alarm.

When the EV is on, the high-voltage battery recharges the 12-volt battery via a DC-DC converter, keeping everything running smoothly. The 12-volt system is also responsible for getting things going when you start the car. Even when you’re parked, the 12-volt battery keeps working, ensuring the alarm and other features remain active.

What Happens if the 12-Volt Battery Fails?

If the 12-volt battery fails, you might not even be able to start your car. Your EV will show symptoms similar to a regular gas car with a dead battery—no dashboard lights, unresponsive electronics, and maybe even a lack of power steering.

However, unlike a traditional car, the high-voltage battery in an EV won’t come to your rescue if the 12-volt battery dies. This means you’ll need to either jump-start the 12-volt battery or get it replaced to get your car going again.

Comparison of 12-Volt Battery in EVs and Traditional Cars

Surprisingly, the 12-volt battery in an EV isn’t all that different from the one found in a regular gas-powered vehicle. Both types of cars rely on the 12-volt system for the same things: low-power electronics, safety systems, and basic accessories.

However, the key difference lies in the fact that EVs also have a much larger high-voltage battery for propulsion, whereas gas-powered cars rely on internal combustion.

Charging of the 12-Volt Battery in an EV

One neat thing about EVs is that the 12-volt battery gets charged automatically by the car’s DC-DC converter, which draws power from the high-voltage battery. This means you don’t have to worry about charging it separately—though it’s still a good idea to keep an eye on it and replace it when necessary.

When to Replace the 12-Volt Battery in an EV

Like any battery, the 12-volt one will eventually wear out. On average, a 12-volt battery in an EV will last anywhere from 3 to 5 years, depending on usage. Signs that your battery is starting to fail include dimming lights, sluggish electronics, and warning messages on your dashboard.

12-Volt Battery Maintenance Tips

Taking care of your 12-volt battery can help extend its life. Here are some simple tips:

  • Avoid leaving your EV parked for too long without using it.
  • Make sure all lights and accessories are turned off when the car isn’t running.
  • Get the battery checked during regular maintenance.

Do All EVs Have a 12-Volt Battery?

Not all EVs follow the same design, but the majority of them do use a 12-volt battery. Some automakers are experimenting with alternative low-voltage systems, but for now, the 12-volt battery remains a standard feature in most electric vehicles.

Future of the 12-Volt Battery in Electric Vehicles

There’s talk in the auto industry about moving away from the traditional 12-volt battery system, especially as technology evolves. However, for now, it’s still a crucial part of most EVs on the road.

Common Myths About the 12-Volt Battery in EVs

Let’s clear up a few misconceptions:

  • Myth: The 12-volt battery is unnecessary in EVs.
    • Fact: The 12-volt battery is essential for powering key safety systems and accessories.
  • Myth: The high-voltage battery can replace the 12-volt battery if it dies.
    • Fact: If the 12-volt battery fails, you’ll need to jump-start or replace it.

How to Jump-Start a 12-Volt Battery in an EV

If your EV’s 12-volt battery dies, you can jump-start it just like you would with a regular car. You’ll need another car with a working 12-volt battery and jumper cables. Connect the cables properly, and after a few minutes, your EV should start up.


The 12-volt battery may seem like a small part of the complex system in an electric vehicle, but it plays a crucial role in keeping everything running smoothly. From powering your car’s safety systems to ensuring your headlights turn on, the 12-volt battery is an unsung hero in the world of EVs. So next time you start your EV, remember that this little battery is doing a lot more than you might think.


  1. What does the 12-volt battery power in an EV? It powers low-voltage systems like lights, infotainment, and safety features.

  2. Can an EV run without the 12-volt battery? No, the 12-volt battery is essential for starting the car and powering critical systems.

  3. How is the 12-volt battery charged in an EV? It’s charged by the high-voltage battery through a DC-DC converter while driving.

  4. How long does a 12-volt battery last in an EV? It typically lasts 3 to 5 years, depending on usage and maintenance.

  5. Can you jump-start an EV’s 12-volt battery? Yes, you can jump-start it using another car’s battery, just like in a traditional car.


I'm Ankit Gawande, the driving force behind this automotive haven. As an avid car and bike enthusiast, I've spent years immersing myself in the world of automobiles, and I'm thrilled to share my passion with you through this platform. At autocurious.com, I wear many hats - from a DIY enthusiast tinkering in the garage to a tech-savvy explorer delving into the world of electric vehicles. Through informative blogs, insightful tips, and comprehensive guides, I aim to empower fellow enthusiasts with knowledge about cars, bikes, and everything in between.

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